Our kitchen remodel is almost complete. In an old house like ours, once you make a change it inspires you to make another change, and another...
Coffee and a bit of whipped cream. |
Once we got the counter top in I decided the wallpaper would have to be changed - - - Mr. J&C suggested that it be eliminated. I begged him to let us get rid of the old wainscoting that screamed 1966. Stalemate.
A day or two later our neighbor, Terry, walked in and asked when were we getting rid of the old, ugly paneling and when I told him how right he was and wouldn't the room look better with when I got it all wallpapered, he looked at me like I was nuts and announced that wallpaper went out in the 1950s. After he left, we picked ourselves up, decided to go for broke, and ripped out the paneling and the wallpaper. Sigh. Sounds quick and easy. We were lucky that there was sheetrock, this was the summer we got to learn about "mud" and "tape and bedding." Then we had to put texture on the wall - I would redo that in a heart beat, and probably should, but for now it will do.
Before... |
Almost done... |
If it's Friday, the plumber is scheduled to come back and properly attach the dishwasher to the countertop. Also, we have wood trim to put up around the floor and the windows and the door - - - did I mention we took out a door, jamb and all, and now I've got to go to the lumber yard to get trim and ...
Someday this will be done. During our two months of construction we've had house guests, friends over for drinks, and friends over to play Mahjong (I'm learning a new game!). Life has not been all play and no work or all work and no play. The dust has not yet settled but we think we are going to like our new old kitchen.