Tuesday, January 29, 2013

In the Black

Our first month of retirement is coming to a close.  We traveled around Texas and then went east to spend a couple of weeks with my family in north Georgia.  We got to visit the Georgia Aquarium last week - it is wonderful

If you want to feel small just stand in front of this aquarium wall.

Now we are home and ready to explore what this new life holds for us.  One of our first snags occurred doing the laundry.  Mr. Joy & Comfort picked up a pair of black panties and asked, "Whose are these?"  I just looked at him - and them - and him...  Let me see... only two people live in this house.  Whose indeed.

Like most women, I've owned a pair, or two, or three of black undies since I graduated high school.  I like colors and lace and - well, honestly, I thought I had made a better impression on him in them.  Maybe he did work too much...

I explained that they were mine, recently worn and now washed, ready to be worn again.  I'll make sure he notices next time.
