I love to grow things in pots. The last few years my collection has grown and grown - pots all over the patio and pots on the front porch. I had to set an alarm on my phone so I would remember to water all of them - every other day in the summer and at least once a week in the winter. Several of them are tucked into the garage in the winter, they get a little shabby, but they survive and, when Spring returns, they thrive.
The trouble with containers is the little saucer that collects the excess water - it keeps the water from going all over the place but it can provide the
mosquito with the perfect little incubator and nursery.
Here in north Texas the West Nile Virus is a major concern. It is transmitted by infected mosquitoes (not all mosquito's have the virus - most are just annoying) and even if you get bitten by an infected mosquito, you might not get the disease. I say this so you won't
call 911 the next time you get bitten.
I have no desire to be known as a Mosquito Rancher so I try to follow all the rules the City of Fort Worth gives for minimizing mosquito breeding.
I've cleaned up my act - well, my patio actually, and put away most of the saucers. I've scattered the containers around my garden, tucked them in the mulch - no need for a saucer. A bonus - I took the time to check where the water goes when the sprinkler is on and almost everything gets watered even when I'm not here to do it.
These seem to be adjusting to their new home. |
I still have a few pots on the patio and by the front door but I'm very careful not to over water. I figure it's worth it to help myself and others in my community stay healthy. I am helping people I don't know and may never meet, still, it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling to realize we are all in this world together and little things we do (or don't do) can have a big impact.
Admit it, you are probably doing something to make the world a better place. I would love to hear about some of your adventures - comments are always welcome. I'm off to read blogs and drink tea on this hot, hot summer day.