I thought if I wasn't busy I would have lots and lots of time to blog. For me it doesn't work that way - if I'm not busy, I don't have anything to blog about. I 'm a little busy these days - Physical Therapy (PT) is work. I'm doing all the recommended exercises - if you want to get better (read "healthier") you have to work. Some days I dread the PT but afterwards (a few hours, pain meds, and an ice pack or two afterwards) I feel much improved. I'm very thankful for the doctors, nurses, physical therapists, and others who have had a hand in fixing my knee. The progress is much slower than I imagined, I'm having a hard time not being critical, I think it's because I have a bit of brain clutter. You know, ideas or beliefs you have that no longer work or that you know to be untrue. If you keep acting on what doesn't work it will make you crazy. I used to believe if I had surgery I would miraculously be healed by the time the stitches began to fade. Turns out most miracles need a bit of work. Sometimes you just have to clean out the clutter so the rest of you can change and grow.
This cleaning up business is a lesson I learned years ago from gardening. Weeding, deadheading, clearing out the old dried up plants makes room for new growth. Just clean out the old and in comes the new, usually it's a year later.
This summer I haven't done much in the garden, just watering the plants in containers. The green oxalis I got from my mom back in February and planted beside a purple one I had purchased locally were getting along beautifully back in the Spring.
Early April 2012 |
They were beautiful back in April, however by August, after 20 plus days of 100 F heat, they were cooked and I was a little afraid they might not come back. On August 11, I was out sweeping the front porch, watering my plants and startled by how sad this container looked.
8/11 |
I started cleaning up and was surprised by how easily the old, dead stuff lifted out of the pot - almost no roots holding it down.
8/11 |
It's very embarrassing to realize you are letting things compost right outside your front door.
8/11 |
I left the lone purple shamrock and went inside think about what to plant next.
Thursday (8/16) |
I had expected the plants to go dormant and was surprised the next Thursday (8/16) when I remembered to water the containers on the front porch and there was 'new life.'
This picture was taken on Monday, 8/20.
I went inside and got a damp cloth to clean up the pot - just trying to do my part to make it look good.
This picture was taken Wednesday afternoon (8/29). |
Those little dots next to the purple oxalis are new plants. I don't know when the oxalis is supposed to start growing again. I can't help but wonder if I had not cleaned out the dead plants would the new plants have started to grow? Was nature waiting on me to do my part so the miracle of life could 'show off?' I may have to look into that one of these days. Right now, I am going to go stretch and do a bit of exercise.
Life goes on.