Thursday, September 22, 2011

Back to the Garden - Passion Flower Vine

On Tuesday, the temperature at the start of my day was 62F and I was movitated to garden.  For starters, I want to improve the view from the kitchen table.  So I'm putting in a small flower bed. I bought two Passion Flower Vines and a trellis, all that was left was to make the bed and get them in the ground and growing.

Thank you Google for the picture.  (My plants aren't blooming - yet.)
In my youth we called these "MayPops."
I gathered up everything I needed for this project and completed the whole thing in just over an hour (83 minutes, but who's counting?).

On your mark, get set, go!

I used the trellis to determine how big to make the bed. Fortunately for me, the Previous Owner had this thing about collecting old bricks, so I've started using the old bricks in my landscaping.  I like the recycle aspect of using them and if I want to expand a flower bed I just have to grab a few more bricks.


See the hole?  A tree used to grow there, the Previous Owner cut it down and each year it sinks a bit more as the roots have rotted   composted returned to the earth.  Every now and then I put a little more soil in  (usually after I stumble).  On Tuesday, I put soil in the hole then started putting in the grass that I was removing to make way for my new flower bed.  Nothing wasted.  I like that.

All I had to do was dig out grass.

Still digging.  When does the fun start?  Wish you (or anybody) were here digging with me.

Ready to Lasagna Garden my little bed.  I added a some soil and amendments, just a little.  Then I grabbed some newspaper and lined my new bed to help keep weeds to a minimum.

I added back some of the old dirt (that sounds silly, most dirt is, well, as old as dirt - how ever old that is) mixed in some 'new dirt' and added the bricks. 

And the plants!

All that was left to do was add mulch, water, and clean up.  I've got a nice little garden and next spring and summer I will have beautiful, blooming vines.

The job is almost finished.

Here it is, Thursday morning.   It's amazing what can happen when the temperature cooperates.  Only two days in the ground and already the tendrils are at work. 

Life is good.

My view from the kitchen is better this morning --- my coffee even tastes better. 

Thanks for stopping by.  I'm off to Vintage Thingie Thursday with Colorado Lady (button just to the right if you want to join us).  I'm 'rerunning' my coin story over there - next week I must find something new to bring to her party.  Hope you have a great weekend.  cJoy


Tiff said...

What a fantastic project! I love that edging you have done with the bricks! I can imagine your blooms looking sensational on that trellis too! Something to really look forward to... and no need for google images then!!!! Happy weekend! X

Rebecca said...

Doesn't it feel so good to get something like that accomplished. It will be fun to watch it grow!

LV said...

I need to get motivated to do this same thing. I was blessed this year. My passion plant for the first time bloomed one precious bloom just like the one you shared. I intend to put it on Outdoor Wednesday but just have not done so yet. Glad you dropped by for a visit.

Anonymous said...

Passion Flower - how gorgeous. Lasagna gardening, cute! I get it: layering the stuff. I like your trellis and i do like how you tilted the old bricks - love that look. What a pretty job you did! Kudos~ Haha! Your coffee tastes better now ;)

Mary said...

Great job and I know with plenty of TLC you will have a beautiful vine covered fence in no time.

Love the Passionflower blooms....and anything vining. See my Moonflower post today - I'm being swallowed up by them!

Ivy and Elephants said...

Great work on going ahead and getting it done. Next year you will be able to look out and reap the benefits. It will be gorgeous!

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

lucky you the previous owners left bricks..i would be thrilled. It always feels so good to get out and work in the dirt. Thanks for stopping by to visit me!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a perfect spot for your vine! These flowers are so intricate and beautiful! Would you even call them lavender? heehee! Enjoy your weekend! ♥

The French Hutch said...

Great project and it turned out great. I love old bricks and anything on a trellis.......Great post! Have a great week.

The French Hutch